State Goverment
Local and State Goverment Agencies

Local and State Goverment Agencies
Agencia del Ministerio Público

Mexican equivalent of the States Attorneys office. This is where you File civil or criminal complaints.
Address: Av. del Palmar, esquina Calle Guayabos S/N, Col. Centro Zihuatanejo, Gro.
Tel: 554 3966

Delegación de Transporte del Gobierno del Estado

Issues permits for commercial & public road transportation. Also accepts Complaints against taxis and bus services.
Address: Av. H. Colegio Militar S/N, Col. Centro. Zihuatanejo, Gro.
Tel: 554 7624

Comunicación Social

State Agency responsible for publication of legal notices & local events.
Address: Calle Maarina Nacional No. 62 Col. Centro. Zihuatanejo, Gro.
Tel: 554 5179

Juzgado de Primera Instancia Penal, Poder Judicial

The primary local court for hearing of criminal cases.
Address: Paseo del deportista S/N, Col. El Limón. Zihuatanejo, Gro.
Tel: 554 2327

Juzgado Primero Civil del Distrito de Azueta

The primary local court for hearing of criminal cases.
Address:Paseo del deportista No.3, Col. El Limón. Zihuatanejo, Gro.
Tel: 554 2476

Federal Goverment / Federal Goverment Agencies
Instituto Nacional de Migración / Immigration office

For renewal, or replacing your travel visa. Also the office in charge of accepting application and issuing work permits for foreigners.

Address:Calle H. Colegio Militar No. 115, Col. Centro. Zihuatanejo, Gro.
Tel: 554 8480

Fideicomiso Bahia de Zihuatanejo (FIBAZI)

Federal/State land agency responsible for public construction in the Zihuatanejo area. Also Sells and leases Federal & state owned land. its for commercial & public road transportation. Also accepts Complaints against taxis and bus services.

Address: Av. Morelos S/N, Col. Centro. Zihuatanejo,Gro.
Tel: 554 2117, 554 2836
Fomento Nacional del Turismo (FONATUR)

Federal agency in charge of land sales and public construction in the Ixtapa area.
Address: Paseo de los Viveros No. 2, Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo, Gro.
Tel: 553 0054 / 553 0722 / 553 1319 9

Secretaria de Hacienda y Credito Público

Mexican Tax Agency. The Mexican equivalent of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Address: Paseo del deportista S/N, Col. El Limón. Zihuatanejo, Gro.
Tel: 554 2327
Servicio Municipal de Salud (SSA)

Local & State Health Department

Address:Calle palma No. 38, Col. Zona Industrial. Zihuatanejo, Gro.
Tel: 554 2088
Centro de Salud

Federal Sanitation Agency

Address:Calle Palma No. 38, Col. Zona Industrial, Zihuatanejo, Gro.
Tel: 554 2080
Junta Local de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado de Zihuatanejo. (CAPAZ)

Local public water company.

Address:H. Colegio Militar No.176, Zihuatanejo, Gro.
Tel: 554 2224, 554 4921, 554 3388.
Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor (PROFECO)

Filing consumer abuse reports. Mexican equivalent of the Better Business Bureau.

Address:Avenida Morelos, Col. Centro a un costado de la Farmacia del ISSTE.
Tel: 554 5236

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