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Yoga, Gyms and Spa in Zihuatanejo


If you enjoy Yoga, go to the Gym or maybe you prefer a Spa, here you will find the best Yoga, Gym and Spa Venues in Zihuatanejo, where you can perform your routines or relax with a good massage, in the following list you will not find all , But if the best Gyms, Spa and places to practice Yoga. Click on the More information button and you will find its addresses or telephones. in Zihuatanejo

Vida Saludable Magazine

VIDA SALUDABLE MAGAZINE...YOUR MEDICAL GUIDE is a specialized magazine with basic content for our readers, putting at your disposal Quality Medical Services, where you will find first level specialists and health related services. HEALTHY LIFE is a consultation magazine that will be very useful to have a real reference of the offer of medical services and services related to wellness in the area and has the appropriate distribution to reach the final consumer.

Yoga Studio

Paty's Marimar Restaurant now has yoga classes on the upstairs terrace, overlooking the waves. Classes are 10 USD (or equivalent Mexican pesos). Zihua Yoga Studio has all the toys and props including mats, blocks, straps and bolsters. We also offers towels for wiping off the sweat, wraps for shabasana and after class damp towels for sponge bathing and hot tea.

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Barra de Potosi